
(SuperCash:新套利基金资本主义)SUPERCASH: THE NEW HEDGE FUND CAPITALISM 下载 txt snb pdf mobi 在线 阿里云 tct




  • ISBN:9780471745990
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-03
  • 页数:224
  • 价格:384.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


"James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. So it's no surprise that SuperCa$h is so much fun to read and so devilishly informative. It is equally full of 'holy cow!' moments and 'why-didn't-I-think-of-that?' moments. A true keeper."

—Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of Freakonomics

"Altucher describes in easy-to-understand terms the strategies used by the smartest managers in the world—those who are running the hottest hedge funds—to show how they are making money today. SuperCa$h is a great primer for those who are looking to trade like the pros. And it helps that Altucher writes in a clear and fun style!"

—John Mauldin, President of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC, and author of Bull's Eye Investing

As hedge funds have become more mainstream, some of their strategies are less capable of producing extraordinary returns. In response, hedge fund managers and other sophisticated investors have found new ways to turn cash into supercash. Examine these new ways with hedge fund manager James Altucher and supersize your returns.

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"James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. So it's no surprise that SuperCa$h is so much fun to read and so devilishly informative. It is equally full of 'holy cow!' moments and 'why-didn't-I-think-of-that?' moments. A true keeper."" Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of Freakonomics ""Altucher describes in easy-to-understand terms the strategies used by the smartest managers in the world,those who are running the hottest hedge funds to show how they are making money today. SuperCa$h is a great primer for those who are looking to trade like the pros. And it helps that Altucher writes in a clear and fun style!"" John Mauldin, President of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC, and author of Bull's Eye Investing As hedge funds have become more mainstream, some of their strategies are less capable of producing extraordinary returns. In response, hedge fund managers and other sophisticated investors have found new ways to turn cash into supercash. Examine these new ways with hedge fund manager James Altucher and supersize your returns.

From the Inside Flap

Hedge funds, and their strategies, have gained significant recognition for their flexible and aggressive nature towards the markets. But as hedge funds have become more mainstream, the strategies associated with them—such as merger arbitrage, fixed income arbitrage, and convertible arbitrage—have become less capable of generating the returns you'd expect for the risk taken.

To deal with this situation, hedge funds and other savvy investors have found new ways to make it in today's dynamic financial environment. Actively lending money to companies and individuals that banks won't or can't touch; finding arbitrage situations that larger mutual funds are unable to dip into because of size or regulatory constraints; and putting dollars into companies where activism may extract more value from investments are only a few of the ways hedge funds and sophisticated investors are turning cash into supercash in today's tough markets.

Now, in SuperCa$h: The New Hedge Fund Capitalism, hedge fund manager James Altucher examines the many new types of investments that have been developed over the past few years by top hedge funds and investors around the world. Through detailed examples and up-to-the-minute advice, Altucher reveals how you can take advantage of these investments and offers a dozen strategies that can be used to supersize your returns. Some of the topics discussed include:

How the PIPE (private investments in public equities) mechanism can provide consistent returns in both bull and bear markets

A new crop of IPOs—SPAC (the specialty acquisitions corporation), Dutch Auctions, and reverse mergers

Understanding and implementing a closed-end fund arbitrage strategy

Shortselling methods that have withstood the test of time

Art as an alternative asset class that is rela tively uncorrelated to the global markets

And much more

Along the way, Altucher also talks about what to watch out for when investing directly in a hedge fund and offers candid advice for those thinking about starting their own hedge fund.

Turning cash into supercash is not just a style of investing, but a way of life. Striving to maximize the value of your dollars requires nonstop research, patience, courage, and fortitude. Going down the supercash path may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth it.


Introduction: What Is SuperCash?

CHAPTER 1 Hedge Funds Are the New Banks

 Subprime Auto Finance

 Trade Factoring

 Hard-Money Real Estate Lending

 Life Insurance Premium Financing

 Tax Liens

 Taxi Medallions

CHAPTER 2 Activism

CHAPTER 3 Buying Delinquent Credit Card Debt

CHAPTER 4 Everything You Wanted to Know about PIPEs But Were Afraid to Ask

 Regulation S

 Death Spirals

 Deal Types

 Common Stock

 Convertible Debentures


CHAPTER 5 The New Ne~v IPO

 Specialty Acquisition Corporations

 The Dutch Experiment Is Over

 The Rise of the Reverse Merger

CHAPTER 6 Trade like a Billionaire

 Mark Cuban

 Bill Gates

 Michael Dell

 Bruce Kovner

 Peter Lynch

 George Soros

 Peter Kellog

 Carl Icahn

CHAPTER 7 Closed-End Fund Arbitrage

 Discounting Mechanisms

 Do-It-Yourself Closed-End Fund Arbitrage

CHAPTER 8 Short-Selling

 Pitfalls of Short-Selling

 When Short-Selling Works

CHAPTER 9 The Finer Things in Life

 Don't Spend All Your Rare Coins in One Place

 But Can I Afford a $100 Million Painting?

 Whatever Happened to the Bowie Bonds?

 Appendix: The 12-Piece United States Gold Coin Type Set

CHAPTER 10 Trend versus Countertrend

 QQQQ Crash Revisited

 The Christmas System

 Fading Unemployment


Chapter 11 The Myth of the Index or "ETFS: Active or Passive?"

Chapter 12 Watch Out!

Chapter 13 So You Want to Start a Hedge Fund?

Chapter 14 Classic Investment Reading & New Media Resources

Chapter 15 Where to Find the Data?









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"James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. So ita s no surprise that SuperCa$h is so much fun to read and so devilishly informative. It is equally full of a holy cow!a moments and a why--didna t--I--think--of--that?a moments. A true keeper." --Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of Freakonomics "Altucher describes in easy--to--understand terms the strategies used by the smartest managers in the world--those who are running the hottest hedge funds--to show how they are making money today. SuperCa$h is a great primer for those who are looking to trade like the pros. And it helps that Altucher writes in a clear and fun style!" --John Mauldin, President of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC, and author of Bulla s Eye Investing As hedge funds have become more mainstream, some of their strategies are less capable of producing extraordinary returns. In response, hedge fund managers and other sophisticated investors have found new ways to turn cash into supercash. Examine these new ways with hedge fund manager James Altucher and supersize your returns.



































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